Celebrating 80 years, we are the oldest and largest cooperative preschool in Seattle.
Welcome to Magnolia Cooperative Preschool!
We are the oldest and largest cooperative preschool in the state of Washington, celebrating over 80 years of serving kids, families, and our community. At Magnolia Co-op we aspire to further the education of parents and caregivers in the principles of early childhood education while providing a cooperative preschool experience for children. We focus on social and emotional development of the child through a curriculum grounded in creative and cooperative play.
What is a co-op?
The co-op model is built on parent education and involvement. Alongside teachers and parent educators, parents and caregivers are a pillar of the school community, working one day each week in the classroom and attending monthly parent meetings covering current, age-relevant topics on parenting and early child development. In addition, our member families run the day-to-day operations of the school.
Our Programs
Magnolia Cooperative Preschool offers classes for Infants through Pre-K. We specialize in providing an age-appropriate, play-based curriculum with a focus on social and emotional development, supported by an engaged community of teachers, caregivers, and parents. Classes include a combination of circle time, free choice time, music, snack, and outdoor time on our secure, private playground. Older classes (3 and up) also have the opportunity to take several off-site field trips throughout the year, which are included in the class fee.
Magnolia Co-op is also proud to offer special weekly summer classes for our existing families. Information about summer courses for each year is available in spring.